Feet on Fire is CDE’s Award winning competitive clogging team, consisting of over 40 members, including our adult team.
Feet On Fire Classes
FOF strives to maintain the traditions and roots of clogging, while also pushing forward with contemporary styles and techniques.
Feet On Fire competes at 6 regional competitions and 1 national competition each year.
FOF competes in Acapella, Exhibition, Contemporary, Hoedown, Moving Line, Moving Traditional Line, Precision, Show, Standing Line & Traditional Line.
Team Directors seek to teach members the importance of hard work, perseverance, and unity through their experiences while on FOF.
“Stay Humble, Hustle Hard”
Dress Code
All Teams
Form fitting athletic dance attire is required. Hair must be pulled back. Please, no jewelry or dangly earrings. Students can be sized for shoes, in our CDE Apparel. The student’s name should be written in each shoe and shoes should be kept in their dance bag. Please do not wear shoes outside. This damages the shoes and may subsequently damage the dance floors. Competitive clogging students must have 2 pairs of shoes on hand at all times.
Required Shoes: White split-sole Dancing Fair clogging shoes w/ Buck Taps (2 pairs required)